Our Story
In the beginning…
As a self-confessed audiophile, I know only too well the endless challenge it can be to find the perfect sound. It can be and often is both frustrating and beautiful all at once.
There are moments where the purity of sound creates a sense of transcendence and times when you’re ready to burn it all to the ground and start over or worse, walk away. Speaking to many other fellow audio nuts over the years has yielded similar stories of bliss and woe.
Thankfully there have been many more moments of musical enjoyment than there have been disappointments, ensuring that my passion for audio perfection has never faded.

F&$K you Covid
When the virus that will not be named (Ok - we all know it’s bloody Covid I’m talking about) swung by and threw a giant box of spanners into the works, the only upside that came from the disaster it left behind, was that it made me stop long enough to reassess what I wanted to do with the remainder of my working life.
When I moved to the Gold Coast a few years ago, I was more than a little annoyed by the lack of local high end audio outlets. As I quickly found out, the coast and surrounds has been a bit of a waste land for those wanting to experience true High Fidelity sound systems for a number of years. Until GC HiFI was conceived, it was either a trip down across the border to NSW or roughly an hours drive north to Brisbane.
I’d dabbled with some buying and selling of high-end gear for a while and until Covid came along, I hadn’t considered really doing more than that. I spent much of the extra time during isolation months experimenting with different systems and combinations and when the moment came when I stopped to think about what I really wanted to do, the answer was quite literally right in front of me.
It wasn’t just about the gear…
I knew that I wanted to create a boutique HiFi consultancy and high-end listening opportunity for Gold Coast locals to be able to experience various great sounding systems without waiting to be served. Quite a number of likeminded HiFi friends told me what really appealed to them would be to have the opportunity to see and hear great hifi gear it in a home environment, like theirs.
I knew the other thing I craved more than anything when I was building up my system and putting significant investment into quality gear was informed advice.
With all those ideas in mind, I went about hatching this crazy idea to reconfigure the space I call home into a by-appointment, boutique listening experience that eventually became the launch pad for a bespoke audio design service - GC HiFi.
It was about the experience…
While I developed this with the top end audio gear in mind, I didn’t want this to only be a space for those who’ve been chasing the audio unicorn for decades. GC Hifi is not about having the most expensive equipment (although there is some serious mind and wallet bending kit here), it was about finding the best gear for different combinations of system and being able to help people build a bespoke audio solution to suit their personal needs.
Instead of trying to be all home entertainment things to all people, I’ve focused on 2 channel high fidelity digital and analogue gear. Anyone who has chased the audio sound rainbow for long enough will tell you, that’s a big enough category on its own to keep you busy for years.
For GC locals, the launch of GC HiFi means you’ll finally have a local consultant with both the experience and the selection of quality audio to provide you with an opportunity to see and hear the best audio gear on the planet without having to drive long distances to do it.
And it was about sharing it…
Our private listening parties and by appointment, 1 on 1 listening sessions will give you a chance to hear some of the best brands available on the market, side by side including Kii, Mola Mola, SME, Primaluna, PS Audio, Fyne and ATC.
We’d love you to be a part of our evolving story and allow us to assist you in putting together a great sounding HiFi system while sharing our passion for audio.
Check our Facebook page for our monthly GTG dates and invitations or call or email us to book in for your own 1 on 1 private audio experience.
Cheers to your ears,
Terry O.