Fyne Vintage 10 + Fyne SuperTrax Super Tweeter Playing @ SNA Show

While down at the recent StereoNet HiFi show in Melbourne I assisted in the HiFi Collective rooms over the three days. In their listening room they were featuring the Fyne Vintage 10's along with the new Fyne SuperTrax super tweeter, which I fell head over heals for.
Along with the Fynes the rest of system was made up of the new S1 Aries and Vega plus the only, at the time, brand new S1 Melco ethernet switch anywhere along with AVM amplification and various Plixir power supplies and Vertere cables. This all added up to a excellent sounding and very reasonably priced system given the SQ it delivered, that to my ears sounded far more enjoyable to listen to than many other systems there that cost multiples more.
Anyway I recorded using my old iPhone these tracks and decided to put together a video, I hope you to enjoy listening and looking at it.
Please feel free to contact me and let me know if you think I should take up a new vocation in film making. ... ;-)
If you would like to find out more about this system or to arrange a private listening session please contact me.
Click below and please wait for it to download ...
... Fyne Vintage 10's @ SNA Show
or if you prefer click below to watch it on our Youtube channel